It's an issue that most Christians have to deal with . . . "Am I more concerned about impressing people or God?" You might think that this is particularly true of teenagers because they are very image conscious, but the truth is that adults are just as concerned about their image as the younger people. Is my house impressive? Does the car I drive reflect my personality or status? Do my friends think I'm cool? Do I possess just the right air of confidence so that my boss will take notice?
I think this is one reason why I love the Apostle Paul so much. He really didn't place a lot of stock in what others thought of him. His main goal was to please God with his life. And in particular, he loved to preach the good news of the gospel, regardless of what opposition he might incur. He declared to the believers in Rome, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).
Are you ashamed of the gospel? It seems that many Christians try pretty hard to separate themselves from the gospel by the way they act. "I hope they don't find out I'm a Christian. They will make fun of me." "They won't think I'm cool if they find out I go to church." "If I take a stand for what is right I might not get that promotion I really want." These are just a few of the ways we desire to camouflage our faith.
However, Paul continues in the next verse by saying, "The just shall live by faith" (v. 17). To please God we have to live according to our faith, not by our fears. The writer of the book of Hebrews states it clearly, "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6). Living a life of faith is a choice. It doesn't just happen -- it requires us to choose to seek a growing relationship with the Father who provides the strength we need when we face the giants in our lives. Let's make one thing clear . . . living a real Christian life isn't for wimps! It requires a strength that comes only through a sincere and complete trust in the Lord.
So the real question is, "Do you want to be a people pleaser or do you want to please the One who created and saved you?"
A look into the Scriptures, current events, and life in general from a personal perspective.
Welcome to my personal opinion!
How has your point of view been determined? On what do you base your belief system? What shapes your opinions?
All of us look at our world around us and interpret what we see based upon our most basic beliefs. This perspective is often referred to as our "worldview." We see what goes on in the world and our world view determines whether we think those things are good or bad, positive or negative. And that worldview also determines how we will react to everything that we encounter. So you see, it really is a matter of perspective.
Up front I will confess that I hold to what is known as a Biblical Worldview. My commitment to the Bible as being the Word of God, and my faith in the One revealed to us in that totally unique book and through His Holy Spirit has provided the lens through which I view the world around me.
So, if you choose to read what I have written there will likely be some things you will agree with and some which you will not. That will be determined by your own personal worldview.
My hope is that what I write will challenge you to better understand what you have chosen to base your worldview upon, and if it is not based on the unchanging Word of God, that you might become convinced, like I am convinced, that His Word is truth and serves to guide the believer through life's journey toward the "abundant life" Jesus promised in John 10:10.
All of us look at our world around us and interpret what we see based upon our most basic beliefs. This perspective is often referred to as our "worldview." We see what goes on in the world and our world view determines whether we think those things are good or bad, positive or negative. And that worldview also determines how we will react to everything that we encounter. So you see, it really is a matter of perspective.
Up front I will confess that I hold to what is known as a Biblical Worldview. My commitment to the Bible as being the Word of God, and my faith in the One revealed to us in that totally unique book and through His Holy Spirit has provided the lens through which I view the world around me.
So, if you choose to read what I have written there will likely be some things you will agree with and some which you will not. That will be determined by your own personal worldview.
My hope is that what I write will challenge you to better understand what you have chosen to base your worldview upon, and if it is not based on the unchanging Word of God, that you might become convinced, like I am convinced, that His Word is truth and serves to guide the believer through life's journey toward the "abundant life" Jesus promised in John 10:10.
I liked reading this! It kind of reminds me of one of the things Bro. Mark talked about this morning- You can't compare yourself to other people, you have to go by God's standards!