Today's word from Proverbs --
"Don't be afraid to correct your young ones;
a spanking won't kill them.
A good spanking, in fact, might save them
from something worse than death." (23:13-14, The Message)
The past 40 years or so has seen a great deal of debate over the evils of spanking. Some psychologists through the years have tried to convince us that spanking is outdated, ineffective, or just plain abusive. I'm not an expert on the subject other than the fact that I was on the receiving end of numerous spankings as a child.
Lord knows I gave my parents plenty of reasons to spank me! I was ADHD before that term came to be. Back then they just called my hyper. I wasn't mean and usually I didn't misbehave out of some evil design. But I was unruly and needed to develop self-control. Being a child it wasn't very likely that I would develop such self-control on my own. I needed help. My parents, teachers, principal, and others attempted numerous kinds of discipline including lectures, grounding, loss of privileges, and more. They didn't have a great deal of success with these methods. Thus, spanking came into play (though it wasn't a game I enjoyed). I have to admit that the board of education applied to the seat of knowledge usually got my attention.
Fortunately for my parents, I grew up in an age when parental discipline wasn't viewed as child abuse as it might today. One such occasion comes to mind. When I was about 12 years old I had several friends over to my yard to play. My mom told me to do something (I don't remember what) and I popped off to her, trying to be "big" in front of my friends. What I didn't consider at the moment was the fact that my mom didn't take very kindly to disrespect from her kids. She took out after me and I began to run . . . in sheer terror. I hadn't seen that look in my mom's eyes before, but I was about 99% sure it indicated that murder was about to be committed, and I was going to be the victim. Around the yard we went, again and again. And as we ran she grabbed anything that she came across and flung it like a missle zeroed in on my body. I can't say if anything actually hit me as I was so scared it would be some time before I could feel anything beyond terror. Finally, either she ran out of steam or the thought of prison crossed her mind, and my life was spared.
Was my mother wrong to act as she did? Though she probably regretted her urge to kill, I believe that this particular experience was a valuable lesson for me. First, I think I learned something about the wrath of God from that experience. Second, I knew I had crossed a very big line -- I had shown terrible disrespect for my mother and it was something I never wanted to do again. Third, I knew that I had to restrain myself when I wanted to say the first thing that came to my mind (that actually is something I have to keep reminding myself about). This occasion, plus the many times that I experienced spankings served as strong reminders of what is right and what is wrong. And that's the purpose of spanking . . . to teach a child the boundaries in which a person ought to live.
These spankings certainly didn't kill me, but I believe they saved me from something worse than death . . . a life lived without discipline, without regard for others, and without a true sense of right and wrong! Thanks Mom and Dad for loving me enough to teach me these lessons, even though I may not have appreciated it at the time.
A look into the Scriptures, current events, and life in general from a personal perspective.
Welcome to my personal opinion!
How has your point of view been determined? On what do you base your belief system? What shapes your opinions?
All of us look at our world around us and interpret what we see based upon our most basic beliefs. This perspective is often referred to as our "worldview." We see what goes on in the world and our world view determines whether we think those things are good or bad, positive or negative. And that worldview also determines how we will react to everything that we encounter. So you see, it really is a matter of perspective.
Up front I will confess that I hold to what is known as a Biblical Worldview. My commitment to the Bible as being the Word of God, and my faith in the One revealed to us in that totally unique book and through His Holy Spirit has provided the lens through which I view the world around me.
So, if you choose to read what I have written there will likely be some things you will agree with and some which you will not. That will be determined by your own personal worldview.
My hope is that what I write will challenge you to better understand what you have chosen to base your worldview upon, and if it is not based on the unchanging Word of God, that you might become convinced, like I am convinced, that His Word is truth and serves to guide the believer through life's journey toward the "abundant life" Jesus promised in John 10:10.
All of us look at our world around us and interpret what we see based upon our most basic beliefs. This perspective is often referred to as our "worldview." We see what goes on in the world and our world view determines whether we think those things are good or bad, positive or negative. And that worldview also determines how we will react to everything that we encounter. So you see, it really is a matter of perspective.
Up front I will confess that I hold to what is known as a Biblical Worldview. My commitment to the Bible as being the Word of God, and my faith in the One revealed to us in that totally unique book and through His Holy Spirit has provided the lens through which I view the world around me.
So, if you choose to read what I have written there will likely be some things you will agree with and some which you will not. That will be determined by your own personal worldview.
My hope is that what I write will challenge you to better understand what you have chosen to base your worldview upon, and if it is not based on the unchanging Word of God, that you might become convinced, like I am convinced, that His Word is truth and serves to guide the believer through life's journey toward the "abundant life" Jesus promised in John 10:10.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Is religious liberty under attack?
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a posting concerning HR 1913, an act passed by the U.S. House of Representatives that would protect extend a special federal protection to homosexuals and transgender persons (cross-dressers, transvestites, etc). The U.S. Senate has yet to take up the issue, but it is believed they will join the House in passing the legislation. President Obama has already said he will sign such an act into law.
Is such legislation heading us down the path to a major collision between the radical homosexual agenda and our religious liberties? Many Christian scholars say that "a cataclysmic conflict" is inevitable. I mentioned before that a likely result of HR 1913 would be the threat of federal charges being lodged against any preacher who would declare that God's Word teaches homosexuality to be a sin. It would be considered as inciting violence toward homosexuals. This is already a reality in Canada, the UK, and some European countries. Where is this all heading?
Barrett Duke, vice president for public policy with the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said there are three issues fueling the move toward "an eventual clash" between homosexual rights and religious liberty: 1)same-sex "marriage"; (2)workplace protections for homosexuals and; (3)hate crimes legislation. Should these issues all be decided in favor of the radical homosexual agenda there will be a major impact upon religious liberty as the full weight and power of the United States government will be brought to bear to make sure no homosexual's rights are violated. It will become much easier to violate religious liberty instead. Duke said, "The government will be unable to secure both the civil rights of those in same-sex marriage and the religious rights of those who accept what God's Word teaches regarding homosexuality."
The Employment Non-descrimination Act which is proposed in Congress would provide protection of homosexual rights in the workplace, which in effect would take away the ability of most organizations to hire people who share the owner's values. Though churches would likely not be forced to hire homosexuals as ministers, their church daycare may not have such protection. Church related schools, bookstores, retreat centers, and more would also lose that right. This act would also open up Christian para-church organizations to all manner of litigation accusing discrimination because of anything that might be said that could be construed as bigoted language.
These are serious issues that Christians need to recognize as being extremely dangerous. There is an extreme liberal agenda unfolding in our nation, and unfortunately most Americans have not given serious consideration to the impact these new directions will have on our nation. Between these cultural-moral-ethical issues and the financial damage being wrought by the present uncontrolled, ill-conceived spending, our nation may not even be recognizable within just a few years!
Is such legislation heading us down the path to a major collision between the radical homosexual agenda and our religious liberties? Many Christian scholars say that "a cataclysmic conflict" is inevitable. I mentioned before that a likely result of HR 1913 would be the threat of federal charges being lodged against any preacher who would declare that God's Word teaches homosexuality to be a sin. It would be considered as inciting violence toward homosexuals. This is already a reality in Canada, the UK, and some European countries. Where is this all heading?
Barrett Duke, vice president for public policy with the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said there are three issues fueling the move toward "an eventual clash" between homosexual rights and religious liberty: 1)same-sex "marriage"; (2)workplace protections for homosexuals and; (3)hate crimes legislation. Should these issues all be decided in favor of the radical homosexual agenda there will be a major impact upon religious liberty as the full weight and power of the United States government will be brought to bear to make sure no homosexual's rights are violated. It will become much easier to violate religious liberty instead. Duke said, "The government will be unable to secure both the civil rights of those in same-sex marriage and the religious rights of those who accept what God's Word teaches regarding homosexuality."
The Employment Non-descrimination Act which is proposed in Congress would provide protection of homosexual rights in the workplace, which in effect would take away the ability of most organizations to hire people who share the owner's values. Though churches would likely not be forced to hire homosexuals as ministers, their church daycare may not have such protection. Church related schools, bookstores, retreat centers, and more would also lose that right. This act would also open up Christian para-church organizations to all manner of litigation accusing discrimination because of anything that might be said that could be construed as bigoted language.
These are serious issues that Christians need to recognize as being extremely dangerous. There is an extreme liberal agenda unfolding in our nation, and unfortunately most Americans have not given serious consideration to the impact these new directions will have on our nation. Between these cultural-moral-ethical issues and the financial damage being wrought by the present uncontrolled, ill-conceived spending, our nation may not even be recognizable within just a few years!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Does that come with a money back guarantee?
One of the Bible verses that is held onto tightly by many parents, particularly if their children become wayward, is this proverb by Solomon:
"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
A lot of parents take this verse to mean that if Mom and Dad do everything right, then the children will live godly lives. As one writer puts it, "This interpretation misunderstands the nature of the Proverbs. The Proverbs state general principles, not promises. If we put "in most cases" in front of verses like this one, we accurately state this meaning."
Like many, I would like to think of this proverb as a rock-hard promise, but observation and personal experience has taught me that our children have minds of their own and they make choices which determine whether or not they accept and follow our faith. To see our child that has been "raised right" turn away from God as an adult could make us doubt ourselves as parents. Did we do something wrong? What could we have done differently?
Parent - do your best to be the loving, godly Mom or Dad you ought to be, but realize that we are never totally to blame nor should we receive all the credit when it comes to how our children turn out. However, if you have a child who has wandered off the right path, don't give up on them. Commit them to prayer and ask God to do what only He can. Many a "prodigal son" has come to their senses and returned to the Father!
"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
A lot of parents take this verse to mean that if Mom and Dad do everything right, then the children will live godly lives. As one writer puts it, "This interpretation misunderstands the nature of the Proverbs. The Proverbs state general principles, not promises. If we put "in most cases" in front of verses like this one, we accurately state this meaning."
Like many, I would like to think of this proverb as a rock-hard promise, but observation and personal experience has taught me that our children have minds of their own and they make choices which determine whether or not they accept and follow our faith. To see our child that has been "raised right" turn away from God as an adult could make us doubt ourselves as parents. Did we do something wrong? What could we have done differently?
Parent - do your best to be the loving, godly Mom or Dad you ought to be, but realize that we are never totally to blame nor should we receive all the credit when it comes to how our children turn out. However, if you have a child who has wandered off the right path, don't give up on them. Commit them to prayer and ask God to do what only He can. Many a "prodigal son" has come to their senses and returned to the Father!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What's in a name?
Growing up my Dad use to tell me often, "What you do reflects on the family name!" I confess that I've said the same thing to my children (Oh no, I'm becoming my Dad!). Because of what he taught, I take my responsibility to protect my good name and that of my family. One of the last things I would ever want to do is to dishonor my parents, grandparents, or any of my family past, present, or future.
Solomon had the same idea in mind when he shared this proverb:
"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
Loving favor rather than silver and gold." (Proverbs 22:1)
What a family name Solomon was to protect. His father was King David, the heroic leader who brought the nation into a new era of prominence. Despite being the wealthiest man in the world, Solomon understood the supreme importance of maintaining one's integrity. He certainly didn't want to be the one to besmirch his Daddy's reputation. Unfortunately, Solomon's son obviously didn't feel the same. Rehoboam was the first king to be described as one who "did evil in the sight of the Lord."
I admit that there are times when I wouldn't mind having a larger bank account, but given the choice between that or keeping my good name, I'll pass on the money. The only thing a person can carry with them to their grave is a good name.
Solomon had the same idea in mind when he shared this proverb:
"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
Loving favor rather than silver and gold." (Proverbs 22:1)
What a family name Solomon was to protect. His father was King David, the heroic leader who brought the nation into a new era of prominence. Despite being the wealthiest man in the world, Solomon understood the supreme importance of maintaining one's integrity. He certainly didn't want to be the one to besmirch his Daddy's reputation. Unfortunately, Solomon's son obviously didn't feel the same. Rehoboam was the first king to be described as one who "did evil in the sight of the Lord."
I admit that there are times when I wouldn't mind having a larger bank account, but given the choice between that or keeping my good name, I'll pass on the money. The only thing a person can carry with them to their grave is a good name.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The joy of doing what's right!
Have you watched someone do something noble and wondered why they would do such a thing? Perhaps you have even considered the actions of a person and thought to yourself, "What a fool! What could they possibly get out of putting themselves out like that for another person, maybe even a stanger?" Proverbs 21:15 tells us the reason: "It is a joy for the just to do justice."
A person who enjoys a close and vibrant relationship with the Lord doesn't need a reason to do good. It simply comes as a result of growing to be like Him. Ever notice how people tend to take on the attitudes and traits of those they spend the most time with? A person will often start to talk and act like their co-workers. A married couple certainly grow to be more and more alike. And the believer who grows in their Christ-likeness acts and thinks more like Jesus.
That is why a committed Christian does the right thing. They just enjoy doing what is right! There isn't an ulterior motive . . . it isn't done with the expectation of getting something back. The deed is done because it is the right thing to do. This is a foreign concept to many today. But in the midst of this "dog-eat-dog world" it certainly is refreshing to see someone who is committed to doing what is right no matter the personal cost. I have found that when such a person passes on the funeral home or the church is filled with people who come because they had a real respect for the way he or she lived. It is my prayer that my own life would be seen in this way.
A person who enjoys a close and vibrant relationship with the Lord doesn't need a reason to do good. It simply comes as a result of growing to be like Him. Ever notice how people tend to take on the attitudes and traits of those they spend the most time with? A person will often start to talk and act like their co-workers. A married couple certainly grow to be more and more alike. And the believer who grows in their Christ-likeness acts and thinks more like Jesus.
That is why a committed Christian does the right thing. They just enjoy doing what is right! There isn't an ulterior motive . . . it isn't done with the expectation of getting something back. The deed is done because it is the right thing to do. This is a foreign concept to many today. But in the midst of this "dog-eat-dog world" it certainly is refreshing to see someone who is committed to doing what is right no matter the personal cost. I have found that when such a person passes on the funeral home or the church is filled with people who come because they had a real respect for the way he or she lived. It is my prayer that my own life would be seen in this way.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thanking God for the sacrifices made!
Today is Memorial Day! It is far more than just a day off from work or a time for a family barbeque to kick off the summer. It should be a day of sincere thanksgiving.
All too often we take for granted the sacrifices which have been made in the past and continue to be made today to preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. To do so is the sign of our sense of security, but hopefully doesn't indicate an apathy about the sacrifices made on our behalf. Yesterday at church our Pastor had all veterans and current military men and women to stand as we paid tribute to their service for our nation. What a sight to see at least a couple of dozen men and women stand. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for what you have done!
Another amazing sight is to go to a national military cemetary and see the hundreds and thousands of white crosses aligned acre after acre. I grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, and had the privilege of conducting funerals at two seperate national cemetaries there, the older one in Madison (an area of Nashville) and one close to Pegram, on the west side of town. It is truly a sobering experience.
As you enjoy your day off take a moment to remember those who bought your freedom with their blood. They deserve at least that much consideration. Also, thank God for the ultimate freedom that is ours because the blood of Christ was the price paid. Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
All too often we take for granted the sacrifices which have been made in the past and continue to be made today to preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. To do so is the sign of our sense of security, but hopefully doesn't indicate an apathy about the sacrifices made on our behalf. Yesterday at church our Pastor had all veterans and current military men and women to stand as we paid tribute to their service for our nation. What a sight to see at least a couple of dozen men and women stand. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for what you have done!
Another amazing sight is to go to a national military cemetary and see the hundreds and thousands of white crosses aligned acre after acre. I grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, and had the privilege of conducting funerals at two seperate national cemetaries there, the older one in Madison (an area of Nashville) and one close to Pegram, on the west side of town. It is truly a sobering experience.
As you enjoy your day off take a moment to remember those who bought your freedom with their blood. They deserve at least that much consideration. Also, thank God for the ultimate freedom that is ours because the blood of Christ was the price paid. Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Is your worship acceptable?
Proverbs 21:3 is an important word on the subject of worship. It says, "To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice." Ever since the day of Cain and Able there has been the question of whether our worship is acceptable in the Lord's eyes. Cain killed Able in a fit of jealousy because God was receptive to the spirit in which Able presented his offering to God, but He did not accept Cain's offering. The difference was in the attitude!
Solomon tells us that the actions of right living and treating others in the right way is more important to God than any offering we might bring. That's because our actions reflect the attitudes of our hearts, and God looks upon the heart of a man or woman to determine their sincerity and faithfulness.
As you go to church today what are the attitudes which you will take along with you? Will they be attitudes of love, service, and humility (which God honors), or will they be attitudes which will disappoint the Lord? I encourage you to go seeking for God to create in you a clean heart, and to teach to you the lessons He desires for you to learn.
Solomon tells us that the actions of right living and treating others in the right way is more important to God than any offering we might bring. That's because our actions reflect the attitudes of our hearts, and God looks upon the heart of a man or woman to determine their sincerity and faithfulness.
As you go to church today what are the attitudes which you will take along with you? Will they be attitudes of love, service, and humility (which God honors), or will they be attitudes which will disappoint the Lord? I encourage you to go seeking for God to create in you a clean heart, and to teach to you the lessons He desires for you to learn.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The "Idiot-Maker"!
There are many foolish things we can do, but one which seems to rise to the top is the consumption of alcohol. It is without a doubt one of the quickest ways to make an idiot out of yourself. Solomon warned his son about this very matter in Proverbs 20:1 . . .
"Wine is a mocker,
Strong drink is a brawler,
And whoever is led astray by it is not wise."
The past several years there has been much said in our media and among politicians about WMD's or Weapons of Mass Destruction. I would venture to say that all of the WMD's used throughout history have paled in their destructive power when compared to the utter devastation produced by the use of alcohol drink. I have observed broken marriages, foolish abandonment, lost jobs, forfeited freedom, and tragic death as a result of "taking a little drink."
No, drinking isn't the only sin, but it is one that has created more pain and suffering than most. My own family has been touched by alcohol abuse as my wife's father was a heavy drinker, perhaps even an alcoholic. His drinking contributed to divorce and the break up of their family. Even today there are scars with which Kay must deal. She hates alcohol!
Out of a loving concern I would urge any young person to turn away from the temptation to drink. I know it is supposed to be cool, but I've never seen anything cool about losing control of yourself and acting like an idiot! And those kids who tell you they are your friend and at the same time try to get you to take a drink with them -- well, that is no friend. A friend is someone who wants to help you to be your best, not your pitiful worst.
Then, to any parent who might read this - if you drink even a little bit you are inviting your child to engage in something that could be disastrous. I can't imagine you would consciously put your child at risk, but that's what you are doing if your example before them includes drinking an occasional beer or glass of wine. There are some who would say, "Oh, that's just some preacher on his soapbox!" Well, somebody has to speak the truth and hope that God's Spirit will make it stick. I would rather be considered a "prude" than to ignore the opportunity to try to give a loving rebuke. Try to be wise - give up the booze!
"Wine is a mocker,
Strong drink is a brawler,
And whoever is led astray by it is not wise."
The past several years there has been much said in our media and among politicians about WMD's or Weapons of Mass Destruction. I would venture to say that all of the WMD's used throughout history have paled in their destructive power when compared to the utter devastation produced by the use of alcohol drink. I have observed broken marriages, foolish abandonment, lost jobs, forfeited freedom, and tragic death as a result of "taking a little drink."
No, drinking isn't the only sin, but it is one that has created more pain and suffering than most. My own family has been touched by alcohol abuse as my wife's father was a heavy drinker, perhaps even an alcoholic. His drinking contributed to divorce and the break up of their family. Even today there are scars with which Kay must deal. She hates alcohol!
Out of a loving concern I would urge any young person to turn away from the temptation to drink. I know it is supposed to be cool, but I've never seen anything cool about losing control of yourself and acting like an idiot! And those kids who tell you they are your friend and at the same time try to get you to take a drink with them -- well, that is no friend. A friend is someone who wants to help you to be your best, not your pitiful worst.
Then, to any parent who might read this - if you drink even a little bit you are inviting your child to engage in something that could be disastrous. I can't imagine you would consciously put your child at risk, but that's what you are doing if your example before them includes drinking an occasional beer or glass of wine. There are some who would say, "Oh, that's just some preacher on his soapbox!" Well, somebody has to speak the truth and hope that God's Spirit will make it stick. I would rather be considered a "prude" than to ignore the opportunity to try to give a loving rebuke. Try to be wise - give up the booze!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Better to listen than talk!
It has been a busy and tiring few days including a full day of painting today (my day off). Had to have a MRI on Tuesday to determine how damaged my knee is. Ever since my spinal cord injury (occurred during neck surgery four years ago) I have had a weakness in my left side (sure beats the complete paralysis I experienced after the surgery). This has resulted in extra wear on the left knee. And about a month ago I felt a bit of a "pop", hence the MRI, etc. Nothing too serious - good bit of arthritis, sprained MCL, and slight tear of the Miniscus. A little rehab and some steroids and I'll be much better.
I want to share a brief devotional word from the Personal Growth Study Bible on Proverbs 18:13 which reads:
"He who answers a matter before he hears it,
It is folly and shame to him."
"This proverb reminds us that it's foolish to respond to what another person is saying before we have really listened to them. What is real listening?
Real listening is an active process. We focus on what the other person is saying and feeling, not on what we are going to say next.
Real listening is reflective. We respond to what the other person is saying and feeling, often restating the other person's thoughts and feelings to make sure that we understand them.
Real listening is responsive. Healthy relationships must have two-way communication. As others open up their lives to us, we respond by sharing ourselves with them. In the process, we come to understand no just what the other is saying, but also to understand each other."
I thought this was well stated, and it is a subject all of us should consider. Obviously, all manner of relationships would be better served if we all developed a listening ear.
I want to share a brief devotional word from the Personal Growth Study Bible on Proverbs 18:13 which reads:
"He who answers a matter before he hears it,
It is folly and shame to him."
"This proverb reminds us that it's foolish to respond to what another person is saying before we have really listened to them. What is real listening?
Real listening is an active process. We focus on what the other person is saying and feeling, not on what we are going to say next.
Real listening is reflective. We respond to what the other person is saying and feeling, often restating the other person's thoughts and feelings to make sure that we understand them.
Real listening is responsive. Healthy relationships must have two-way communication. As others open up their lives to us, we respond by sharing ourselves with them. In the process, we come to understand no just what the other is saying, but also to understand each other."
I thought this was well stated, and it is a subject all of us should consider. Obviously, all manner of relationships would be better served if we all developed a listening ear.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Is gray hair a sign of wisdom?
I have often heard Proverbs 16:31 quoted in reference to older or "mature" adults, suggesting that with age comes wisdom -- "The silver-haired head is a crown of glory." However, that is only the first half of that proverb. The second half of the verse reads -- "if it is found in the way of righteousness." Ahhh! There is a bit of a difference in meaning now!
Fact is, wisdom is not simply the result of aging. It is sad to say, but "there is nothing more foolish than an old fool" (I just made that up - cool!). Experience is a good teacher, and often the older person has some very insightful things to share, but as Solomon has been teaching his son throughout these proverbs, real wisdom comes only from God. Therefore, the wisdom that accompanies age is quite limited.
It indeed is sad to meet a person who has a few miles on him that foolishly rejects the Lord Jesus and the truth of God's Word. There is so much benefit to finding the Lord as a young man or woman and living a committed life for Him . . . a sense of purpose and direction, strength for meeting the challenges of daily living, and assurance that this life is not all there is. It is hard for me to imagine life any other way!
Whether you are young or old, however, the wise thing is to place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life. The greatest crown of glory is the one we receive from the Heavenly Father upon our entry into eternity at which time we will lay them at the feet of Jesus in adoration and acknowledgement of Him as the glorious Lamb of God.
Fact is, wisdom is not simply the result of aging. It is sad to say, but "there is nothing more foolish than an old fool" (I just made that up - cool!). Experience is a good teacher, and often the older person has some very insightful things to share, but as Solomon has been teaching his son throughout these proverbs, real wisdom comes only from God. Therefore, the wisdom that accompanies age is quite limited.
It indeed is sad to meet a person who has a few miles on him that foolishly rejects the Lord Jesus and the truth of God's Word. There is so much benefit to finding the Lord as a young man or woman and living a committed life for Him . . . a sense of purpose and direction, strength for meeting the challenges of daily living, and assurance that this life is not all there is. It is hard for me to imagine life any other way!
Whether you are young or old, however, the wise thing is to place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life. The greatest crown of glory is the one we receive from the Heavenly Father upon our entry into eternity at which time we will lay them at the feet of Jesus in adoration and acknowledgement of Him as the glorious Lamb of God.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I may not be E.T. but I am an alien!
A very entertaining movie from several years ago, E.T. The Extraterrestrial told the story of a little alien who seeks the help of some children to "phone home" so that his friends will come pick him up and take him back to where he came from. If you are a Christian you may be surprised to know that you are also an alien. No, you aren't a little green man or woman, but you no longer should consider this earth to be your home.
I bring this up because of a song I heard tonight at church that spoke of heaven as being our home. It reminded me of what Paul says in Philippians 3:20-21, "For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself."
You see, when a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior he or she becomes a new creation and is given a new home, a new citizenship -- Heaven! Yes, we live the remainder of this life here, but we know that our eternity will be spent with Jesus in the place He has prepared for us (see John 14:2-3). This is a cause for rejoicing among believers as we "eagerly wait" for the Lord Jesus to return one day to take us home. When that day comes we will be transformed and our weak, frail bodies will become like the glorified body of Jesus. It will be way cool!
I know that people who have not heard this truth, or who have chosen not to believe, might read this and think, "What a wierd guy!" Some might laugh while others might even be afraid of me. That's how people react to aliens. Not the E.T. kind of alien, but the Christian kind. And we will remain wierd in the eyes of many right up to the time when Jesus returns. So don't be ashamed of your identity as an alien, and don't be too attached to the things of this world. What you have waiting is far better than anything this world has to offer. By the way, God encourages you to "phone home" often!
I bring this up because of a song I heard tonight at church that spoke of heaven as being our home. It reminded me of what Paul says in Philippians 3:20-21, "For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself."
You see, when a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior he or she becomes a new creation and is given a new home, a new citizenship -- Heaven! Yes, we live the remainder of this life here, but we know that our eternity will be spent with Jesus in the place He has prepared for us (see John 14:2-3). This is a cause for rejoicing among believers as we "eagerly wait" for the Lord Jesus to return one day to take us home. When that day comes we will be transformed and our weak, frail bodies will become like the glorified body of Jesus. It will be way cool!
I know that people who have not heard this truth, or who have chosen not to believe, might read this and think, "What a wierd guy!" Some might laugh while others might even be afraid of me. That's how people react to aliens. Not the E.T. kind of alien, but the Christian kind. And we will remain wierd in the eyes of many right up to the time when Jesus returns. So don't be ashamed of your identity as an alien, and don't be too attached to the things of this world. What you have waiting is far better than anything this world has to offer. By the way, God encourages you to "phone home" often!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Don't let the dam break!
Proverbs 17:14
"The beginning of strife is like releasing water;
Therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts."
Ever see a small disagreement blow up into a major fight? It happens all too often . . . between husband and wife, between parent and child, between co-workers, or even between members of a church! Just like the dam that springs a small leak that builds into a catastrophe, an arguement often gets out of control and creates irreparable damage.
As a minister I've seen the damage done by conflict in the home and in the church, and it breaks my heart. I often wonder how people who claim to be Christians can be so ugly to one another. It certainly points to the fact that believers are not perfect (and we usually don't claim to be). When you consider how much conflict takes place in the world around us it's no wonder Jesus placed such an emphasis on being a peacemaker, or one who promotes harmony.
The best way to stop an arguement is to avoid having it in the first place. How can we do that? By prayer! You see, it is much more difficult to fight with someone you are praying for regularly. Want to avoid fights with your spouse? Pray for them! Want to avoid fights with your co-workers? Pray for them! Want to avoid fights with fellow church members? Pray for them!
Prayer will reinforce your "dam" and strengthen the relationships in your life. God desires to give you the means by which you can live your life in peace and harmony with all of your fellow believers, including family. The same Spirit dwells in all believers, therefore the more we are attuned to the Holy Spirit the lower the chance for conflict. So let's put the power of prayer to work in our lives and enjoy the enhanced relationships it will produce!
"The beginning of strife is like releasing water;
Therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts."
Ever see a small disagreement blow up into a major fight? It happens all too often . . . between husband and wife, between parent and child, between co-workers, or even between members of a church! Just like the dam that springs a small leak that builds into a catastrophe, an arguement often gets out of control and creates irreparable damage.
As a minister I've seen the damage done by conflict in the home and in the church, and it breaks my heart. I often wonder how people who claim to be Christians can be so ugly to one another. It certainly points to the fact that believers are not perfect (and we usually don't claim to be). When you consider how much conflict takes place in the world around us it's no wonder Jesus placed such an emphasis on being a peacemaker, or one who promotes harmony.
The best way to stop an arguement is to avoid having it in the first place. How can we do that? By prayer! You see, it is much more difficult to fight with someone you are praying for regularly. Want to avoid fights with your spouse? Pray for them! Want to avoid fights with your co-workers? Pray for them! Want to avoid fights with fellow church members? Pray for them!
Prayer will reinforce your "dam" and strengthen the relationships in your life. God desires to give you the means by which you can live your life in peace and harmony with all of your fellow believers, including family. The same Spirit dwells in all believers, therefore the more we are attuned to the Holy Spirit the lower the chance for conflict. So let's put the power of prayer to work in our lives and enjoy the enhanced relationships it will produce!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Loose lips sinks ships!
Back in the early 1940's the world was at war and security was on the mind of all Americans. Who knew if their neighbor or co-worker was actually a foreign spy or saboteur? In many work places, especially those dealing with defense projects, it was not uncommon to see a poster on a wall which read, "Loose lips sink ships!" The slightest slip of the tongue could result in the deaths of American soldiers, sailors, or Marines.
Though not as dramatic as the World War II warning, Proverbs 17:9 has a similar message: "He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends." Do you love your friends? Are you sure? Suppose one of your friends did something wrong . . . would you out of a heart of love keep the matter to yourself, or would it become a bit of juicy information you just can't wait to tell to someone else?
Solomon says that he or she who truly loves will refrain from gossiping about the faults of a friend. The big-mouth "friend" is moving along the path to losing a friend. Now understand, covering a transgression as it's referred to here in this proverb does not mean ignoring sin in others. It simply means to keep the matter to ourselves and not saying something in public that might embarrass or demean the other person.
Being a gossip is a mean-spirited way of seeking attention for oneself. It is like saying, "I'm important because I know something you don't know!" But oh my, the damage we can cause with a careless whisper. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote about this subject when he said, "A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything -- or destroy it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony into chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell. This is scary: You can tame a tiger, but you can't tame a tongue -- it's never been done. The tongue runs wild, a wanton killer. With our tongues we bless God our Father; with the same tongues we curse the very men and women he made in his image. Curses and blessings out of the same mouth!" (James 3:3-10, The Message)
Be a real friend! Don't ignore the sin, but don't announce it to the world either. A real friend seeks to express love by gently rebuking and encouraging. The gossip is no friend at all. You may not sink a ship, but you can certainly sink a relationship!
Though not as dramatic as the World War II warning, Proverbs 17:9 has a similar message: "He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends." Do you love your friends? Are you sure? Suppose one of your friends did something wrong . . . would you out of a heart of love keep the matter to yourself, or would it become a bit of juicy information you just can't wait to tell to someone else?
Solomon says that he or she who truly loves will refrain from gossiping about the faults of a friend. The big-mouth "friend" is moving along the path to losing a friend. Now understand, covering a transgression as it's referred to here in this proverb does not mean ignoring sin in others. It simply means to keep the matter to ourselves and not saying something in public that might embarrass or demean the other person.
Being a gossip is a mean-spirited way of seeking attention for oneself. It is like saying, "I'm important because I know something you don't know!" But oh my, the damage we can cause with a careless whisper. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote about this subject when he said, "A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything -- or destroy it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony into chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell. This is scary: You can tame a tiger, but you can't tame a tongue -- it's never been done. The tongue runs wild, a wanton killer. With our tongues we bless God our Father; with the same tongues we curse the very men and women he made in his image. Curses and blessings out of the same mouth!" (James 3:3-10, The Message)
Be a real friend! Don't ignore the sin, but don't announce it to the world either. A real friend seeks to express love by gently rebuking and encouraging. The gossip is no friend at all. You may not sink a ship, but you can certainly sink a relationship!
Friday, May 15, 2009
I'd rather have Jesus!
George Beverly Shea is a great man of God who has impacted millions of lives through his singing, especially the 50+ years spent working with Billy Graham in his crusades. I can still hear that deep baritone voice as he sang hundreds of beautiful hymns, gospel songs, and choruses. Like Billy, George is well up in years - over 90 years of age. But even today he has a voice which rings out clearly his love for the Heavenly Father!
One of my favorite songs he would sing at the crusades is actually one Shea co-wrote with Rhea Miller, "I'd Rather Have Jesus." Miller wrote the lyrics in 1922, and seventeen years later Bev Shea produced the music to accompany the words. And what words they are:
I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I'd rather be His than have riches untold;
I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands,
I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced hand.
Chorus: Than to be the king of a vast domain
Or held in sin's dread sway.
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.
I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause;
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide fame,
I'd rather be true to His holy name.
He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He's sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He's all that my hungering spirit needs,
I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead.
This great song seems to go very well with the proverb I want to share today, Proverbs 15:16:
"Better is a little with the fear of the Lord,
Than great treasure with trouble."
Eugene Peterson, writer of the contemporary English translation of the Bible called "The Message" states Proverbs 15:16 this way:
"A simple life in the Fear-of-God
is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches."
That seems to describe the lives of so many people pretty well -- "a ton of headaches." Life can be filled with tension - relationships, work, school, and even sometimes at church. The wife tells you that the washing machine broke and it will cost $500 to replace it . . . the children act disrespectfully and cause you great heartache . . . you receive a lay-off notice at work. Many of life's tensions are caused by things outside your control, but we would have to honestly say that much of it simply is a response to some action or attitude of our own. According to Dave Ramsey (the financial guru) over 70% of American households are living paycheck to paycheck. There is tremendous stress financially. A related statistic shows us that the number one factor in divorce today is financial stress within the family. It's not adultery . . . it's not abuse . . . it is money!
People today are drowning in an ocean of debt and it is due primarily to the fact that most people keep spending trying to find satisfaction and peace. Problem is, satisfaction and peace can't be found in anything we can buy. Those things are temporal in nature and don't meet the deepest needs of our lives. That's why Solomon says in his proverb that living a more simple life that includes a right relationship with God is preferable to a life filled with worldly treasure but devoid of God.
I know that for me personally, I would much rather have my relationship with Jesus Christ than to be without Him and rolling in money! In fact, nothing this world has to offer comes close to what I possess in Jesus. I know peace because of Jesus! I know comfort in the hard times because of Jesus! I know a sense of security about all aspects of life because of Jesus! I know no fear of death because of Jesus!
When George Beverly Shea sings, "I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today", I'm all about that! Praise God, I have a Lord and Savior who is King of all the earth and showers those who love Him with blessings far greater than silver or gold.
One of my favorite songs he would sing at the crusades is actually one Shea co-wrote with Rhea Miller, "I'd Rather Have Jesus." Miller wrote the lyrics in 1922, and seventeen years later Bev Shea produced the music to accompany the words. And what words they are:
I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I'd rather be His than have riches untold;
I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands,
I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced hand.
Chorus: Than to be the king of a vast domain
Or held in sin's dread sway.
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.
I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause;
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide fame,
I'd rather be true to His holy name.
He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He's sweeter than honey from out the comb;
He's all that my hungering spirit needs,
I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead.
This great song seems to go very well with the proverb I want to share today, Proverbs 15:16:
"Better is a little with the fear of the Lord,
Than great treasure with trouble."
Eugene Peterson, writer of the contemporary English translation of the Bible called "The Message" states Proverbs 15:16 this way:
"A simple life in the Fear-of-God
is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches."
That seems to describe the lives of so many people pretty well -- "a ton of headaches." Life can be filled with tension - relationships, work, school, and even sometimes at church. The wife tells you that the washing machine broke and it will cost $500 to replace it . . . the children act disrespectfully and cause you great heartache . . . you receive a lay-off notice at work. Many of life's tensions are caused by things outside your control, but we would have to honestly say that much of it simply is a response to some action or attitude of our own. According to Dave Ramsey (the financial guru) over 70% of American households are living paycheck to paycheck. There is tremendous stress financially. A related statistic shows us that the number one factor in divorce today is financial stress within the family. It's not adultery . . . it's not abuse . . . it is money!
People today are drowning in an ocean of debt and it is due primarily to the fact that most people keep spending trying to find satisfaction and peace. Problem is, satisfaction and peace can't be found in anything we can buy. Those things are temporal in nature and don't meet the deepest needs of our lives. That's why Solomon says in his proverb that living a more simple life that includes a right relationship with God is preferable to a life filled with worldly treasure but devoid of God.
I know that for me personally, I would much rather have my relationship with Jesus Christ than to be without Him and rolling in money! In fact, nothing this world has to offer comes close to what I possess in Jesus. I know peace because of Jesus! I know comfort in the hard times because of Jesus! I know a sense of security about all aspects of life because of Jesus! I know no fear of death because of Jesus!
When George Beverly Shea sings, "I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today", I'm all about that! Praise God, I have a Lord and Savior who is King of all the earth and showers those who love Him with blessings far greater than silver or gold.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Nip it! Nip it in the bud!
One of my all-time favorite television programs is The Andy Griffith Show. What a delightful cast of characters brought together in an ideal setting and working from wonderfully written scripts! In my book there is nothing on TV today that even remotely rivals the quality of this program from the 1960's.
Of all the sensational characters on the program, my favorite has to be Barney Fife. Don Knotts' performances in that role were such classics. There is so much about Barney that causes me to laugh even as a moment in the series comes to mind. One of the things Barney is best remembered for is the hilariously high-pitched response he would give when he had heard enough from Otis or Barney or Andy: "Nip it! Nip it in the bud!"
Barney's words come to mind when I read Proverbs 15:1 -- "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Whenever Andy or one of the others needled Barney or argued with him, it drew the wrath of this high-strung little man. It's also something I've observed in many ways other than a television program. Many times I have seen a situation escalate into a pretty ugly scene because the opposing parties responded harshly to something said or done.
This is a lesson I have tried for years to teach my older son. Andy is one who doesn't like for anyone to get in his face, and those who are foolish enough to challenge this 6'5" hulk of a man get perilously close to a very unpleasant experience. I try to convince him that responding in kind to a harsh word or action is not only a good way to find yourself in trouble, it simply isn't the way a Christian ought to deal with people. No, we aren't to be people's "punching bags" physically or verbally. But, the wisdom of this proverb is that a kind and gentle response to a hostile word or act will usually calm a situation and allow for the problem to be solved rather than blown out of proportion. No one ever really wins a fight. The winner is the one who can resolve an issue and make everyone else "feel" like a winner!
I know that such a reaction isn't very natural. That's true of so many things about the Christian life -- they seem unnatural. This is because our sinful nature wants to act and react sinfully, but the indwelling Holy Spirit strengthens us for the task of living according to the unnatural, yet fulfilling and abundant life God created us to live. Next time you encounter a hostile person remember old Barney Fife, and try to nip the hostilities in the bud!
Of all the sensational characters on the program, my favorite has to be Barney Fife. Don Knotts' performances in that role were such classics. There is so much about Barney that causes me to laugh even as a moment in the series comes to mind. One of the things Barney is best remembered for is the hilariously high-pitched response he would give when he had heard enough from Otis or Barney or Andy: "Nip it! Nip it in the bud!"
Barney's words come to mind when I read Proverbs 15:1 -- "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Whenever Andy or one of the others needled Barney or argued with him, it drew the wrath of this high-strung little man. It's also something I've observed in many ways other than a television program. Many times I have seen a situation escalate into a pretty ugly scene because the opposing parties responded harshly to something said or done.
This is a lesson I have tried for years to teach my older son. Andy is one who doesn't like for anyone to get in his face, and those who are foolish enough to challenge this 6'5" hulk of a man get perilously close to a very unpleasant experience. I try to convince him that responding in kind to a harsh word or action is not only a good way to find yourself in trouble, it simply isn't the way a Christian ought to deal with people. No, we aren't to be people's "punching bags" physically or verbally. But, the wisdom of this proverb is that a kind and gentle response to a hostile word or act will usually calm a situation and allow for the problem to be solved rather than blown out of proportion. No one ever really wins a fight. The winner is the one who can resolve an issue and make everyone else "feel" like a winner!
I know that such a reaction isn't very natural. That's true of so many things about the Christian life -- they seem unnatural. This is because our sinful nature wants to act and react sinfully, but the indwelling Holy Spirit strengthens us for the task of living according to the unnatural, yet fulfilling and abundant life God created us to live. Next time you encounter a hostile person remember old Barney Fife, and try to nip the hostilities in the bud!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Why is America not exalted?
For many years the United States was recognized by much of the world as being a nation worth imitating. We were seen as a good people who enjoyed God's blessing. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Putting aside the bashing President Obama and his liberal friends are giving our nation, we are not as respected as we once were. Is it, as the media tries to portray, all the fault of George W. and the eight years he and his brazen cowboy friends "ruled?" I don't believe so!
Proverbs 14:34 gives us some tough words to chew on: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Fact is, our nation is turning its back on God, and this action is resulting in our losing the stature we once enjoyed. One of the things I've noticed through the years is that a just and upright man or woman is respected, even by those who don't understand why the person is so respectable.
Here's a personal example . . . when I was 15 years old I went to work at a local grocery store. One of the men who who worked full-time at the store was Zeke, the produce manager. Zeke was a profane man. His language was raunchy, his mind fixed upon filth, and to top it off he was a bookie who encouraged the teenaged employees to gamble on football games. I never treated Zeke rudely when he made lewd comments around me (he knew I was a "preacher boy") and when questioned about some off-color subject I politely told him that I wasn't interested in such a conversation. I worked at the store about 3 years. Several years later I happened to be in the store with my mother when Zeke approached me. He told me that he had become a Christian and married a Christian woman. And then he said something I have never forgotten. Zeke apologized to me for the many ugly things he had said to me years earlier and stated that even though he treated me so unkindly, he had always respected the way I conducted myself and how I never became angry with him for the way he acted. He was grateful for the witness I had been to him.
Maybe that is what we are missing today as Americans. Oh, we give away billions of dollars to other nations, and we have sent our young men and women to fight and die to protect the weaker nations from those seeking to destroy them. But when those actions aren't accompanied by a righteousness that comes from the proper acknowledgement of God and His truth we no longer have the moral standing that draws the respect and admiration of other nations. This is not to say there are no upright people in America. But, as a nation we have lost sight of what has truly made us great in the past - a national sense of responsibility to God and recognition that what we have comes as a gift from Him.
Righteousness exalts a nation. My prayer is that we might once again be exalted - not for our greatness, but because of His!
Proverbs 14:34 gives us some tough words to chew on: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Fact is, our nation is turning its back on God, and this action is resulting in our losing the stature we once enjoyed. One of the things I've noticed through the years is that a just and upright man or woman is respected, even by those who don't understand why the person is so respectable.
Here's a personal example . . . when I was 15 years old I went to work at a local grocery store. One of the men who who worked full-time at the store was Zeke, the produce manager. Zeke was a profane man. His language was raunchy, his mind fixed upon filth, and to top it off he was a bookie who encouraged the teenaged employees to gamble on football games. I never treated Zeke rudely when he made lewd comments around me (he knew I was a "preacher boy") and when questioned about some off-color subject I politely told him that I wasn't interested in such a conversation. I worked at the store about 3 years. Several years later I happened to be in the store with my mother when Zeke approached me. He told me that he had become a Christian and married a Christian woman. And then he said something I have never forgotten. Zeke apologized to me for the many ugly things he had said to me years earlier and stated that even though he treated me so unkindly, he had always respected the way I conducted myself and how I never became angry with him for the way he acted. He was grateful for the witness I had been to him.
Maybe that is what we are missing today as Americans. Oh, we give away billions of dollars to other nations, and we have sent our young men and women to fight and die to protect the weaker nations from those seeking to destroy them. But when those actions aren't accompanied by a righteousness that comes from the proper acknowledgement of God and His truth we no longer have the moral standing that draws the respect and admiration of other nations. This is not to say there are no upright people in America. But, as a nation we have lost sight of what has truly made us great in the past - a national sense of responsibility to God and recognition that what we have comes as a gift from Him.
Righteousness exalts a nation. My prayer is that we might once again be exalted - not for our greatness, but because of His!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Maybe we're not as smart as we think!
Many folks today think that man's intellect has attained such great levels that we wouldn't need God even if He existed. Billionaire Ted Turner comes to mind. Several years ago Turner was given the "Humanist of the Year" award. Humanism basically says that man is evolving into a state of perfection, and there is no need to believe in a higher being. Personally, I am thankful that there is Someone much more wise than Ted Turner.
Solomon spoke to this issue with one of his proverbs, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov. 14:12). For centuries there have those who have tried to say that God is not real, or at least He is irrelavant. What foolishness! Many have also tried to say that man's wisdom is great (especially their own) and it isn't intellectually honest or rational to believe in God. That kind of thinking only leads a person toward destruction. Oh, they may attain temporary status or riches, but none of that does you any good once you encounter the grave.
Well, think for a moment about how great "man's" wisdom has proven to be. We haven't been able to overcome the desire or need for war. We are so wise that our children are taking guns to school and shooting their teachers and classmates. Crime becomes more and more violent. Marriages are failing at record rates. Oh yeah, now I see how we might come to the conclusion that man is so terribly wise!
Folks, the truth is that we need God's wisdom. I know from personal experience that when I lean upon God and His wisdom, better decisions are made, there is more joy in my life, and things just make better sense. I look at the world around me and see chaos, despair, lack of purpose, and so much more which I believe is easily traced back to foolish decisions and failure to seek God's wise counsel. Maybe its time to admit that we aren't as smart as we thought, and that God has a lot more to offer us than the skeptics think.
Solomon spoke to this issue with one of his proverbs, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov. 14:12). For centuries there have those who have tried to say that God is not real, or at least He is irrelavant. What foolishness! Many have also tried to say that man's wisdom is great (especially their own) and it isn't intellectually honest or rational to believe in God. That kind of thinking only leads a person toward destruction. Oh, they may attain temporary status or riches, but none of that does you any good once you encounter the grave.
Well, think for a moment about how great "man's" wisdom has proven to be. We haven't been able to overcome the desire or need for war. We are so wise that our children are taking guns to school and shooting their teachers and classmates. Crime becomes more and more violent. Marriages are failing at record rates. Oh yeah, now I see how we might come to the conclusion that man is so terribly wise!
Folks, the truth is that we need God's wisdom. I know from personal experience that when I lean upon God and His wisdom, better decisions are made, there is more joy in my life, and things just make better sense. I look at the world around me and see chaos, despair, lack of purpose, and so much more which I believe is easily traced back to foolish decisions and failure to seek God's wise counsel. Maybe its time to admit that we aren't as smart as we thought, and that God has a lot more to offer us than the skeptics think.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Call her blessed!
Tomorrow is Mother's Day and therefore I am skipping ahead in Proverbs to the 31st chapter, where in the passage beginning with verse 10 we find Solomon's tribute to the noble wife (I will let you read it from your Bible if you wish since it is so long). God has blessed me with a heritage of godliness. I may speak later of the men who have proceeded me, but today I want to speak of the women.
It was my privilege to know three of my great-grandmothers, both grandmothers, and of course, my Mom. Of my great-grandmothers I spent the most time with my "Granny Gregory" who lived with Andy & Ruby Thomas, my mother's parents. Ganny Gregory died when I was 12, but I remember her well. She was blinded by glaucoma just about the time I was born, so I guess she never "saw" me. I remember that whenever we went to visit, my Granny G. would have my sister, my brother, and me to stand before her and let her put her hands on top of our heads to see how much we had grown. She also lovingly caressed our faces as though she could see us through her fingertips. One of the things I remember most of my great-grandmother was that she loved Elvis Presley. She had all of his gospel recordings and would sit in her room and listen to them over and over. Even though she was blind she continued to teach her Sunday School class until her health made it impossible for her to attend. A dear friend of mine, John Lawrence, who went to be with the Lord several years ago, told me how much my great-grandmother meant to him. She taught him in Sunday School when he was a child and often witnessed to him about the Lord. He credits her with having a major influence on his becoming a Christian. She was a great woman of God.
My grandmothers, Ruby Thomas (maternal grandmother) and Estelle Bush (paternal grandmother) were also loving, caring, Christian women. I learned much about being charitable towards others from them. Probably the things I miss most about my childhood are the times spent at their homes, enjoying the unbelievably good meals and just being with them. It was my great blessing that they both lived until after my children were born. My, how proud they were of Andy and Alan. I even have video of both of my grandmothers at the hospital when the boys were born, and when we got together the next few years. These women of faith influenced me greatly.
My Mom's name is Julia. She is still alive, though she resides at a nursing home in Nashville, having suffered a severe stroke in February 2006. Mom is not able to speak beyond saying a very few words, and cannot communicate what she wants to say. What a terrible thing to be locked within oneself that way. She also is paralyzed on her right side causing her to be confined to a wheelchair. Yet, my Mom has such a loving spirit. It would seem that one of her constant pursuits at the nursing home is to care for other patients, particularly her roommate. She comes by it naturally! There are so many wonderful memories I have of my Mom through the years, but I guess I will never forget getting up early each morning to get ready for school and overhearing my Mom praying for me and the rest of my family. What a blessing to know you are prayed for every day!
And now, I have another very special mother in my life . . . the mother of my children! On August 9th Kay and I will have been married 29 years. Boy, the years have certainly flown by. Kay and I met the day we first moved in at Belmont College (now University) in Nashville. To be honest, when I first met Kay I wasn't sure I liked her. But it really didn't take very long before I knew her to be a very sweet young lady. Interestingly, Kay dated my roommate for about a year. She and I dated briefly after our Sophomore year, but really didn't date seriously until after we graduated from college. Like most everyone, our lives have had its great blessings and some difficult times as well. One thing has always been true,however, and that is Kay has stayed faithfully beside me every step of the way. The boys are grown and have moved away to work and attend college. We are now in the "empty nest" years, and I have to say that I am enjoying it because Kay and I are able to spend more quality time together than we have for many years. My best friend and I are becoming even closer! And like the godly ladies who were in my life prior to her, she has been such a tremendous blessing in my life. I agree with Solomon who said of the noble wife, "her worth is far above rubies." I also join him in saying, "Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all." (vs. 29, The Message) Thank you Lord for bringing such great women in my life.
It was my privilege to know three of my great-grandmothers, both grandmothers, and of course, my Mom. Of my great-grandmothers I spent the most time with my "Granny Gregory" who lived with Andy & Ruby Thomas, my mother's parents. Ganny Gregory died when I was 12, but I remember her well. She was blinded by glaucoma just about the time I was born, so I guess she never "saw" me. I remember that whenever we went to visit, my Granny G. would have my sister, my brother, and me to stand before her and let her put her hands on top of our heads to see how much we had grown. She also lovingly caressed our faces as though she could see us through her fingertips. One of the things I remember most of my great-grandmother was that she loved Elvis Presley. She had all of his gospel recordings and would sit in her room and listen to them over and over. Even though she was blind she continued to teach her Sunday School class until her health made it impossible for her to attend. A dear friend of mine, John Lawrence, who went to be with the Lord several years ago, told me how much my great-grandmother meant to him. She taught him in Sunday School when he was a child and often witnessed to him about the Lord. He credits her with having a major influence on his becoming a Christian. She was a great woman of God.
My grandmothers, Ruby Thomas (maternal grandmother) and Estelle Bush (paternal grandmother) were also loving, caring, Christian women. I learned much about being charitable towards others from them. Probably the things I miss most about my childhood are the times spent at their homes, enjoying the unbelievably good meals and just being with them. It was my great blessing that they both lived until after my children were born. My, how proud they were of Andy and Alan. I even have video of both of my grandmothers at the hospital when the boys were born, and when we got together the next few years. These women of faith influenced me greatly.
My Mom's name is Julia. She is still alive, though she resides at a nursing home in Nashville, having suffered a severe stroke in February 2006. Mom is not able to speak beyond saying a very few words, and cannot communicate what she wants to say. What a terrible thing to be locked within oneself that way. She also is paralyzed on her right side causing her to be confined to a wheelchair. Yet, my Mom has such a loving spirit. It would seem that one of her constant pursuits at the nursing home is to care for other patients, particularly her roommate. She comes by it naturally! There are so many wonderful memories I have of my Mom through the years, but I guess I will never forget getting up early each morning to get ready for school and overhearing my Mom praying for me and the rest of my family. What a blessing to know you are prayed for every day!
And now, I have another very special mother in my life . . . the mother of my children! On August 9th Kay and I will have been married 29 years. Boy, the years have certainly flown by. Kay and I met the day we first moved in at Belmont College (now University) in Nashville. To be honest, when I first met Kay I wasn't sure I liked her. But it really didn't take very long before I knew her to be a very sweet young lady. Interestingly, Kay dated my roommate for about a year. She and I dated briefly after our Sophomore year, but really didn't date seriously until after we graduated from college. Like most everyone, our lives have had its great blessings and some difficult times as well. One thing has always been true,however, and that is Kay has stayed faithfully beside me every step of the way. The boys are grown and have moved away to work and attend college. We are now in the "empty nest" years, and I have to say that I am enjoying it because Kay and I are able to spend more quality time together than we have for many years. My best friend and I are becoming even closer! And like the godly ladies who were in my life prior to her, she has been such a tremendous blessing in my life. I agree with Solomon who said of the noble wife, "her worth is far above rubies." I also join him in saying, "Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all." (vs. 29, The Message) Thank you Lord for bringing such great women in my life.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Surround yourself with the right people!
Proverbs 11:14 says to us: "Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances." Has anyone ever said to you, "Surround yourself with the right kind of people"? If I recall, that may have been number 3794 of my Dad's sermons to me about life. Actually it is good advice to give any person.
Life is difficult . . . life is full of choices which can make a huge difference . . . life can be very confusing! There is no shame in admitting you need help in making the decisions you face. In fact, it is smart! God has several ways in which He gives direction and wisdom to us. He uses His Word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit, the indwelling presence of God in the life of a believer, speaks to us. And often, God uses other people to share His wisdom.
Depending on who we "hang around" with, the advice we receive from those people may be wise, or it may be trouble. The smart person seeks out friends and mentors who he or she knows to be walking closely to God because they are the ones who will give "words of life" versus "words of destruction" which come from the mouths of fools. And the more wise friends you have, the more wise advice you will receive.
The best place I know to find such people are at my church. Through the years I've had godly Sunday School teachers, Deacons, Pastors, Christian college Professors, and others who have had a positive influence and sage advice. To me, it just makes sense to surround myself with those folks than to seek advice about living from people who don't have a relationship with the One who gave us life. Follow Solomon's advice . . . ask for advice from the right folks!
Life is difficult . . . life is full of choices which can make a huge difference . . . life can be very confusing! There is no shame in admitting you need help in making the decisions you face. In fact, it is smart! God has several ways in which He gives direction and wisdom to us. He uses His Word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit, the indwelling presence of God in the life of a believer, speaks to us. And often, God uses other people to share His wisdom.
Depending on who we "hang around" with, the advice we receive from those people may be wise, or it may be trouble. The smart person seeks out friends and mentors who he or she knows to be walking closely to God because they are the ones who will give "words of life" versus "words of destruction" which come from the mouths of fools. And the more wise friends you have, the more wise advice you will receive.
The best place I know to find such people are at my church. Through the years I've had godly Sunday School teachers, Deacons, Pastors, Christian college Professors, and others who have had a positive influence and sage advice. To me, it just makes sense to surround myself with those folks than to seek advice about living from people who don't have a relationship with the One who gave us life. Follow Solomon's advice . . . ask for advice from the right folks!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Yes, God does hate evil!
This has been a very busy week! Almost every week . . . every day . . . is a blur of activity (and I know I'm not the only one living out this kind of life) so it is often difficult to have time to blog. This is the first time since starting my blog that I've missed three days in a row, but it likely won't be the last. I enjoy writing these, but there are other priorities that must come first.
Today I'm looking at Proverbs 6:16-19 which gives a list of seven things which Solomon declares that God considers an abomination. This is not a complete list as other passages of Scripture tell of additional actions and attitudes which God detests. Solomon says:
"Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion:
eyes that are arrogant,
a tongue that lies,
hands that murder the innocent,
a heart that hatches evil plots,
feet that race down a wicked track,
a mouth that lies under oath,
a toublemaker in the family. (The Message)
When considering these seven items it is apparent that much about our world today must be so disgusting to God. We are fortunate that the only thing greater than God's sense of justice is His love for sinners. He has every reason and right to destroy us all, but He chose, out of His great love, to provide us sinners with a way to be reconciled with Him -- Jesus Christ.
Many people feel that they are not loved or are unlovable. Not so! God's expression of love through the sacrifice of Jesus proves to us that He loves everyone, even you! And believe it or not, there are many Christians who love you as well. I know, I know, there are a lot of folks out there who say they are Christians who sure don't act like they love you. That is an unfortunate truth. But, there are millions of Christians around this world who are praying for you (they pray that all people will know the saving grace of Jesus) and many give money from their own pockets to feed the poor, house the homeless, and send missionaries to tell more people about Jesus. There are Christians who give of their time to improve the lives of those who lives around them. You may not know these people, and they may not know you by name, but their love is real because God's love is real in them!
I close this post with a simple plea. If you have never accepted God's gift of love - eternal life and forgiveness through faith in Jesus - please do so right now! You can never earn God's love nor can you earn eternal life, but it is your choice as to whether or not you will accept His gift. He won't force you to accept it. Accepting Jesus would be the wisest thing you ever did!
Today I'm looking at Proverbs 6:16-19 which gives a list of seven things which Solomon declares that God considers an abomination. This is not a complete list as other passages of Scripture tell of additional actions and attitudes which God detests. Solomon says:
"Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion:
eyes that are arrogant,
a tongue that lies,
hands that murder the innocent,
a heart that hatches evil plots,
feet that race down a wicked track,
a mouth that lies under oath,
a toublemaker in the family. (The Message)
When considering these seven items it is apparent that much about our world today must be so disgusting to God. We are fortunate that the only thing greater than God's sense of justice is His love for sinners. He has every reason and right to destroy us all, but He chose, out of His great love, to provide us sinners with a way to be reconciled with Him -- Jesus Christ.
Many people feel that they are not loved or are unlovable. Not so! God's expression of love through the sacrifice of Jesus proves to us that He loves everyone, even you! And believe it or not, there are many Christians who love you as well. I know, I know, there are a lot of folks out there who say they are Christians who sure don't act like they love you. That is an unfortunate truth. But, there are millions of Christians around this world who are praying for you (they pray that all people will know the saving grace of Jesus) and many give money from their own pockets to feed the poor, house the homeless, and send missionaries to tell more people about Jesus. There are Christians who give of their time to improve the lives of those who lives around them. You may not know these people, and they may not know you by name, but their love is real because God's love is real in them!
I close this post with a simple plea. If you have never accepted God's gift of love - eternal life and forgiveness through faith in Jesus - please do so right now! You can never earn God's love nor can you earn eternal life, but it is your choice as to whether or not you will accept His gift. He won't force you to accept it. Accepting Jesus would be the wisest thing you ever did!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Policing the Pulpit!
Even though I didn't see any coverage from our newspaper or television, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a piece of legislation this week that may have a tremendous impact upon the religious freedom of our nation. Baptist Press, the news outlet for the Southern Baptist Convention, reported Friday that HR 1913, the "Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act" was passed by a vote of 249-175. This act adds "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the current categories protected from hate crimes. The legislation will now be considered in the U.S. Senate which passed a similar measure in 2007. President Obama has said that he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk.
So what is the big deal? This is but another step in the effort to force Biblical preachers to stop declaring the truth of God's Word about homosexuality and other unacceptable sexual behavior. The Baptist Press story indicated that this legislation, when combined with other laws already passed, could very easily be interpreted so that charges could be brought against a Minister if investigators decided that his sermon induced a person to commit a hate crime. In other words, I could go to jail if a church member or visitor committed a hate crime and it was determined that he or she heard me preach against homosexuality or the act of dressing and behaving as the opposite sex for the purpose of sexual gratification.
Oh, Ken that would never happen! Think not? It already has in Canada, England, Sweden and other some other European nations. There it does not require for an act of hatred to be committed since the very act of preaching on the subject is considered a crime of hate!
Now, please understand that I would never encourage in any way an act of violence against someone because they are a homosexual or cross dresser or transvestite. Their behavior is repulsive (because it is repulsive to God), but a Christian cannot endorse hatred. On the contrary, we as Christians need to reach out to all people in love. But that love should also include preaching and teaching God's Word faithfully with the prayer that God's transformational love will lead the person to live in accordance with God's will.
Where will all of this lead? This is not intended to be a politically oriented blog, but I am very concerned that our very liberal President (check his voting record and writings) backed by a liberal Congress will lead our nation to move further and further "left", perhaps even radically so. I am not a fan of everything done in the name of conservatism either, but I believe we will see many of our freedoms eroded, while at the same time,we will see a greater encouragement toward behavior that is not in keeping with God's Word. My thoughts on political matters is not so much Democrat versus Republican, but is more about Biblical versus worldly. Issues such as HR 1913 do not give me much encouragement about our nation's direction.
So what is the big deal? This is but another step in the effort to force Biblical preachers to stop declaring the truth of God's Word about homosexuality and other unacceptable sexual behavior. The Baptist Press story indicated that this legislation, when combined with other laws already passed, could very easily be interpreted so that charges could be brought against a Minister if investigators decided that his sermon induced a person to commit a hate crime. In other words, I could go to jail if a church member or visitor committed a hate crime and it was determined that he or she heard me preach against homosexuality or the act of dressing and behaving as the opposite sex for the purpose of sexual gratification.
Oh, Ken that would never happen! Think not? It already has in Canada, England, Sweden and other some other European nations. There it does not require for an act of hatred to be committed since the very act of preaching on the subject is considered a crime of hate!
Now, please understand that I would never encourage in any way an act of violence against someone because they are a homosexual or cross dresser or transvestite. Their behavior is repulsive (because it is repulsive to God), but a Christian cannot endorse hatred. On the contrary, we as Christians need to reach out to all people in love. But that love should also include preaching and teaching God's Word faithfully with the prayer that God's transformational love will lead the person to live in accordance with God's will.
Where will all of this lead? This is not intended to be a politically oriented blog, but I am very concerned that our very liberal President (check his voting record and writings) backed by a liberal Congress will lead our nation to move further and further "left", perhaps even radically so. I am not a fan of everything done in the name of conservatism either, but I believe we will see many of our freedoms eroded, while at the same time,we will see a greater encouragement toward behavior that is not in keeping with God's Word. My thoughts on political matters is not so much Democrat versus Republican, but is more about Biblical versus worldly. Issues such as HR 1913 do not give me much encouragement about our nation's direction.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Purpose of Discipline
As a teenager there were times that I just knew I hated my Mom and Dad! Oh the insult of their telling me what I could or could not do. Now I am 51 years old, have two sons who have passed out their teen years (Praise God!), and possess something of an understanding of what they had experienced with me. I also realize I'm lucky I lived to the post-teen years!
Actually, the longer I live, the more I appreciate what my parents tried to do with me - a hard headed, know-it-all kid who was probably the cause of numerous sleepness nights and tension headaches. They sought to instill in me an appreciation for the disciplined life, and they showed remarkable restraint (they didn't commit murder) when I refused to go along with the program.
What is discipline? Simply put, to discipline yourself or someone else, you set the boundaries within which a person can live in an acceptable manner, and when that person steps outside those boundaries there is some consequence which is intended to bring the person back to an acceptable way of operating. Parents do this all the time with their children (or they should). Your place of employment sets boundaries through Personnel Policies. A school has a Student Handbook. A country, state, and local governments have laws. And the Christian has the Bible and the Holy Spirit.
God has set boundaries for His children (believers and followers of Christ). Each of us has to apply some self-discipline, seek God's strength in the areas we are weak, and learn to say "no" to the things we know aren't within the boundaries of proper Christian living. But sometimes a Christian chooses to wander from the "straight and narrow" and God applies a little of His own discipline. Solomon explained about this to His son,
"My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor detest His correction;
For whom the Lord loves He corrects,
Just as a father the son in whom He delights."
Proverbs 3:11-12
"For whom the Lord loves He corrects." I am so thankful that God cares enough about me to want to steer me back into the acceptable when I stray. I'm also thankful for parents who loved me in that way as well. It is my prayer that my life serves to honor both God and my parents. They certainly deserve it!
Actually, the longer I live, the more I appreciate what my parents tried to do with me - a hard headed, know-it-all kid who was probably the cause of numerous sleepness nights and tension headaches. They sought to instill in me an appreciation for the disciplined life, and they showed remarkable restraint (they didn't commit murder) when I refused to go along with the program.
What is discipline? Simply put, to discipline yourself or someone else, you set the boundaries within which a person can live in an acceptable manner, and when that person steps outside those boundaries there is some consequence which is intended to bring the person back to an acceptable way of operating. Parents do this all the time with their children (or they should). Your place of employment sets boundaries through Personnel Policies. A school has a Student Handbook. A country, state, and local governments have laws. And the Christian has the Bible and the Holy Spirit.
God has set boundaries for His children (believers and followers of Christ). Each of us has to apply some self-discipline, seek God's strength in the areas we are weak, and learn to say "no" to the things we know aren't within the boundaries of proper Christian living. But sometimes a Christian chooses to wander from the "straight and narrow" and God applies a little of His own discipline. Solomon explained about this to His son,
"My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor detest His correction;
For whom the Lord loves He corrects,
Just as a father the son in whom He delights."
Proverbs 3:11-12
"For whom the Lord loves He corrects." I am so thankful that God cares enough about me to want to steer me back into the acceptable when I stray. I'm also thankful for parents who loved me in that way as well. It is my prayer that my life serves to honor both God and my parents. They certainly deserve it!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Discover the strength of God's economy!
The headlines of the day scream out at us, "Worst Recession in Decades" . . . "Trillions in Debt Piling Up" . . . "Officials Not Sure What to Do For Economy." There are dozens of "Chicken Littles" racing around declaring that the sky is falling. Millions of people have lost their retirement savings or at least a substantial portion of it. Many have lost jobs. What are we to do?
Tap into God's economy! The One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and unlimited resources is able to meet our every need. Solomon tells his son this very thing. Reading from Proverbs 3:9-10 . . .
"Honor the Lord with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
So your barns will be filled with plenty,
And your vats will overflow with new wine."
As with all God's promises, obedience is the key which opens the door to God's blessings. In this case, Solomon instructs his son to bring honor to God with how he handles his money and to tithe his income. Since everything in our lives is supposed to honor God, it only makes sense that our money management should do the same. How can we honor God with our possessions?
First, rule your possessions - don't let your possessions rule you! A little common sense and some self-discipline will make the difference between a person being seen as a good money manager and one who dishonors God by living above their means, even to the point of declaring bankruptcy and shirking their obligations. That is not a Christlike way to live.
Second, use your possessions to help others. A Christian life isn't about how many "toys" that can be accumulated. Rather, it is about using the blessings God has given us to be a blessing for others. I don't think this means that Christians have to live in shacks and dress in rags. I believe that God wants us to focus on the important things and let Him worry about our financial needs. In Matthew 6:31-33 we read how Jesus approached this subject:
"So don't worry, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?' For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you" (Holman Christian Study Bible).
Reading these verses of Scripture, along with Deuteronomy 18:4, and 28:8, Malachi 3:10-12, Amos 6:6, and Isaiah 43:23, we get a sense of the context of what these verses are trying to teach us. Unlike what some try to preach - what some call the "name it and claim it" theology, I believe that God's promise is to meet our needs and to bless us in all kinds of ways we cannot even imagine. If you're going to be rich, it is much better to be rich in spiritual blessings than the material kind because those blessings are eternal in nature. When God does bless a believer with material riches, He does so in order to enable that person to make a spiritual impact with the money and as a sign of God's power and abundance. Our "job" is to seek a close, personal relationship with the Lord, and simply trust Him to bless us as He sees fit.
The third way we honor God is to be obedient in the tithe. The benefit of tithing is more for the giver than the receiver (the church). God doesn't need our money. He can provide the means for the church to function through any number of ways. His choice, however, was to allow His children the opportunity to share in the support of the work, and to know the blessings that come as a result of obedience to His Word. Tithing is not a negative subject. It is actually one of the most positive messages found in the Bible. God is offering each believer a financial freedom that can only come through faith and obedience, acknowledging a complete and total dependence on God to provide. What a wonderful gift to have the peace of trusting God's goodness! Lookout, God wants to burst your barn doors wide open!
Tap into God's economy! The One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and unlimited resources is able to meet our every need. Solomon tells his son this very thing. Reading from Proverbs 3:9-10 . . .
"Honor the Lord with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
So your barns will be filled with plenty,
And your vats will overflow with new wine."
As with all God's promises, obedience is the key which opens the door to God's blessings. In this case, Solomon instructs his son to bring honor to God with how he handles his money and to tithe his income. Since everything in our lives is supposed to honor God, it only makes sense that our money management should do the same. How can we honor God with our possessions?
First, rule your possessions - don't let your possessions rule you! A little common sense and some self-discipline will make the difference between a person being seen as a good money manager and one who dishonors God by living above their means, even to the point of declaring bankruptcy and shirking their obligations. That is not a Christlike way to live.
Second, use your possessions to help others. A Christian life isn't about how many "toys" that can be accumulated. Rather, it is about using the blessings God has given us to be a blessing for others. I don't think this means that Christians have to live in shacks and dress in rags. I believe that God wants us to focus on the important things and let Him worry about our financial needs. In Matthew 6:31-33 we read how Jesus approached this subject:
"So don't worry, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?' For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you" (Holman Christian Study Bible).
Reading these verses of Scripture, along with Deuteronomy 18:4, and 28:8, Malachi 3:10-12, Amos 6:6, and Isaiah 43:23, we get a sense of the context of what these verses are trying to teach us. Unlike what some try to preach - what some call the "name it and claim it" theology, I believe that God's promise is to meet our needs and to bless us in all kinds of ways we cannot even imagine. If you're going to be rich, it is much better to be rich in spiritual blessings than the material kind because those blessings are eternal in nature. When God does bless a believer with material riches, He does so in order to enable that person to make a spiritual impact with the money and as a sign of God's power and abundance. Our "job" is to seek a close, personal relationship with the Lord, and simply trust Him to bless us as He sees fit.
The third way we honor God is to be obedient in the tithe. The benefit of tithing is more for the giver than the receiver (the church). God doesn't need our money. He can provide the means for the church to function through any number of ways. His choice, however, was to allow His children the opportunity to share in the support of the work, and to know the blessings that come as a result of obedience to His Word. Tithing is not a negative subject. It is actually one of the most positive messages found in the Bible. God is offering each believer a financial freedom that can only come through faith and obedience, acknowledging a complete and total dependence on God to provide. What a wonderful gift to have the peace of trusting God's goodness! Lookout, God wants to burst your barn doors wide open!
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