Welcome to my personal opinion!

How has your point of view been determined? On what do you base your belief system? What shapes your opinions?

All of us look at our world around us and interpret what we see based upon our most basic beliefs. This perspective is often referred to as our "worldview." We see what goes on in the world and our world view determines whether we think those things are good or bad, positive or negative. And that worldview also determines how we will react to everything that we encounter. So you see, it really is a matter of perspective.

Up front I will confess that I hold to what is known as a Biblical Worldview. My commitment to the Bible as being the Word of God, and my faith in the One revealed to us in that totally unique book and through His Holy Spirit has provided the lens through which I view the world around me.

So, if you choose to read what I have written there will likely be some things you will agree with and some which you will not. That will be determined by your own personal worldview.

My hope is that what I write will challenge you to better understand what you have chosen to base your worldview upon, and if it is not based on the unchanging Word of God, that you might become convinced, like I am convinced, that His Word is truth and serves to guide the believer through life's journey toward the "abundant life" Jesus promised in John 10:10.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Maybe we're not as smart as we think!

Many folks today think that man's intellect has attained such great levels that we wouldn't need God even if He existed. Billionaire Ted Turner comes to mind. Several years ago Turner was given the "Humanist of the Year" award. Humanism basically says that man is evolving into a state of perfection, and there is no need to believe in a higher being. Personally, I am thankful that there is Someone much more wise than Ted Turner.

Solomon spoke to this issue with one of his proverbs, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov. 14:12). For centuries there have those who have tried to say that God is not real, or at least He is irrelavant. What foolishness! Many have also tried to say that man's wisdom is great (especially their own) and it isn't intellectually honest or rational to believe in God. That kind of thinking only leads a person toward destruction. Oh, they may attain temporary status or riches, but none of that does you any good once you encounter the grave.

Well, think for a moment about how great "man's" wisdom has proven to be. We haven't been able to overcome the desire or need for war. We are so wise that our children are taking guns to school and shooting their teachers and classmates. Crime becomes more and more violent. Marriages are failing at record rates. Oh yeah, now I see how we might come to the conclusion that man is so terribly wise!

Folks, the truth is that we need God's wisdom. I know from personal experience that when I lean upon God and His wisdom, better decisions are made, there is more joy in my life, and things just make better sense. I look at the world around me and see chaos, despair, lack of purpose, and so much more which I believe is easily traced back to foolish decisions and failure to seek God's wise counsel. Maybe its time to admit that we aren't as smart as we thought, and that God has a lot more to offer us than the skeptics think.

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