Welcome to my personal opinion!

How has your point of view been determined? On what do you base your belief system? What shapes your opinions?

All of us look at our world around us and interpret what we see based upon our most basic beliefs. This perspective is often referred to as our "worldview." We see what goes on in the world and our world view determines whether we think those things are good or bad, positive or negative. And that worldview also determines how we will react to everything that we encounter. So you see, it really is a matter of perspective.

Up front I will confess that I hold to what is known as a Biblical Worldview. My commitment to the Bible as being the Word of God, and my faith in the One revealed to us in that totally unique book and through His Holy Spirit has provided the lens through which I view the world around me.

So, if you choose to read what I have written there will likely be some things you will agree with and some which you will not. That will be determined by your own personal worldview.

My hope is that what I write will challenge you to better understand what you have chosen to base your worldview upon, and if it is not based on the unchanging Word of God, that you might become convinced, like I am convinced, that His Word is truth and serves to guide the believer through life's journey toward the "abundant life" Jesus promised in John 10:10.

Monday, August 23, 2010

How can I possibly do that?

OK, let me get my corny joke out of the way.  Do you know which person in the Bible had no mother or father?  It was Joshua, son of Nun.  (I pause as the hysterical laughter fades away)

Joshua is one of my favorite Biblical heroes.  What a man!  Joshua was one of  the 12 spies sent into Canaan to bring back intelligence reports on the people there prior to the invasion which God planned for the people of Israel to commence.  When the 12 returned to Moses with their reports, ten of the spies were filled with terror after seeing the "giants" living there who made them feel like mere grasshoppers.  But Joshua and Caleb both spoke of a land filled with milk and honey and proclaimed their faith that God would assure their victory as He promised.  Of course, the majority report swayed the people and they angered God with their disbelief.  Their punishment was to wander for 40 years in the wilderness until all the adult population at that time died.  Only Joshua and Caleb was allowed to live and enter into the Promised Land.

Moses was told by God that he would not be permitted to cross over the Jordan into Canaan because he had struck the rock in anger (Numbers 20:11).  Therefore, when it came time for the people of Israel to make that historic crossing into the land of promise it was Joshua who was chosen to lead them.  Can you imagine the burden placed upon him?  Not only did he have several hundred thousand people to care for, he had to lead them into an extensive campaign to conquer hundreds of cities.  Whoa!   

But Joshua trusted God!  As Joshua assumed command God came to him and said, "Moses my servant is dead.  Now then, you and all these people get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them . . . I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses . . . No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life.  As I was with Moses, so I will be with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Joshua 1:2-3, 5) 

Then the Lord encouraged Joshua with these words, "Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" (1:9).

This was the promise which sustained Joshua his entire life.  He believed what God told him, and He knew that if God made a promise, He would keep it!  God has made that same promise to all of us who are surrendered to do His will.  Obedience is the key to receiving what God promises.  Had Joshua failed to follow God's commands he would not have enjoyed the fulfillment of the promises.  God is faithful!  The question is, will we be strong and obey? 

A favorite hymn of mine is Be Strong in the Lord by Linda Johnson and Tom Fettke:

Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage;
Your mighty defender is always the same.
Mount up with wings, as the eagle ascending;
Victory is sure when you call on His name.

So put on the armour the Lord has provided;
And place your defense in His unfailing care.
Trust Him, for He will be with you in battle,
Lighting your path to avoid every snare.

Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage;
Your mighty Commander will vanquish the foe.
Fear not the battle, for the victory is always His;
He will protect you wherever you go.

Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;
And be of good courage, for He is your guide.
Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;
And rejoice, for the vict'ry is yours.

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